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The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology is a definitive multi-authored work of some 50 volumes, written by more than 300 paleontologists, and covering every phylum, class, order, family, and genus of fossil and extant (still living) invertebrate animals. The descriptions include their taxonomy, morphology, and stratigraphic and paleogeographic range.

The current editor is Bruce S. Lieberman at The Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas. The online website system was developed in coordination with Dr. Lieberman's team by the Earth History Visualization team of undergraduate computer engineers at Purdue University under the guidance of James Ogg and Aaron Ault. The Treatise publication website is https://journals.ku.edu/InvertebratePaleo.

Data Contributors

Bruce S. Liberman
Bruce S. Liberman

University of Kansas (The Paleontological Institute)



Natalia Lopez Carranza
Natalia Lopez Carranza

University of Kansas (The Paleontological Institute)



Webpage Contributors

James Ogg
James Ogg

Purdue Univ. (Earth, Atmos. and Planet. Sci.; professor)


Database Coordinator

Gabi Ogg
Gabi Ogg

Geologic TimeScale Foundation


User interface graphics

Aaron Ault
Aaron Ault

Purdue Univ. (Computer Engineering; staff)


Software coordinator

Aditya Sivathanu
Aditya Sivathanu

Purdue Univ. (Computer Engineering; undergrad)


Paleogeographic software; Treatise linking

Kevin Chang
Kevin Chang

Purdue Univ. (Computer Engineering; undergrad)


Paleogeographic software

Samyukta Balaji
Samyukta Balaji

Purdue Univ. (Computer Engineering; undergrad)


Treatise Front-End

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